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Town Meeting Minutes 03/10/2005
Town of Cheverly
Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2005

Call to Order
Mayor Mosley called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Cheverly Community Center.  There were 3 citizens in attendance.

In attendance: Town Administrator David Warrington, Attorney Colaresi, CMs Cullen, Oslik, Schachter and Aboyedega.

Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Mosley opened the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

·       CM Schachter moved to excuse CM Watson.  Seconded by CM Cullen.  Unanimously approved.

There were no changes.
Town Meeting Minutes, 2/10/05
The minutes were approved as written.

Worksession Minutes, 2/24/05
The minutes were approved as written.

Administrator’s Report
Mr. Warrington announced that Public Works is taking orders for mulch delivery.   His office is now preparing the budget.  They are also preparing to resubmit the revised site plan for the new Police Department, which should be sent to Park and Planning in the next few days.

On behalf of CM Cullen, Mayor Mosley suggested the Town hold a Mulch Day   Mr. Warrington responded that there would be a weekend scheduled in April for residents to come out and pick up mulch.
Police Report
Police Chief Jeffery Krauss summarized that there were 31 criminal incidents reported in February, reflecting a downward trend.  There were 14 arrests for a range of offenses and the three juvenile arrests, which were a result of a citizen report.  Out of state registration and zone parking is now being enforced.  The next Club Day is Mach 12; Clubs will be sold for $5.00.  The next Neighborhood Watch Meeting is March 14 at 6:30 PM.  

CM Adegboyega commented that a number of Ward 5 residents work during the time   Neighborhood Watch meetings are held and he asked if the meeting times could be changed.  Chief Krauss responded that the meeting dates have changed a number of times to accommodate residents.  He asked for names of residents who are unable to attend so that he could accommodate them.  This item was placed on the Worksession agenda for further discussion.

CM Oslik commented that this months’ Code Enforcement report was substantial.  Chief Krauss responded that Code Enforcement has been strictly enforced.  Ward 2 was where the officer began his beat and explains why there are more notations for this Ward in the report.  CM Oslik asked that letters be worded politely.  Mayor Mosley added that Ward 2 is a parking zone.  She has also received calls from constituents regarding what constitutes a friendly reminder versus a violation notice.

CM Mosley added that the Washington Post front page article on car theft did not mention efforts such as Club Day that are underway to discourage car thieves.  The Gazette, however, reported on these efforts.

Mayor and Council Announcements
Mayor Mosley summarized the Worksession Agenda:  Email policy, amending the Planning Board policy, Park Way/Cheverly Avenue alley barrier, dog park proposal, Judith Hoyer School path lighting and Code Enforcement.

The Metro Development Task Force will meet on March 22 at 7:30 pm.    

The lights between the Metro and 64th Avenue on Columbia Park Road are now working.  

There were two Park and Planning Board meetings this month and the sector plan for the Tuxedo Road; Arbor Street Cheverly Metro Plan was adopted.   The Tuxedo Task Force wanted the Smith Recycling business to be rezoned for future green space; however, Park and Planning staff felt that that language had to be removed.   It was then moved and passed unanimously that should this property become available in the future, the Town should consider it for purchase.  

A hearing regarding the Prince Georges County Hospital Center was held recently and CM Harrington reported to the council that the Hospital is in dire straights.  The County is asking the State and the District for help.  Alternatives include making it a For Profit, making it part of the University of Maryland system, or closing it down and moving it elsewhere.  

CM Ford announced that the County might address the operations of tow trucks as a result of a lack of controls.  This might offer relief for the apartment complex.

CM Oslik clarified that the alleyway that will be discussed at the Worksession is the one that runs from Inwood Street to the Methodist Church.  There is another alley that goes from Inwood Street to Kilmer Street.  

CM Oslik added that he received a letter from Ms. Richardson regarding trash collections that are skipped on the east side due to holidays.   The east side is disproportionately affected as a result and he asked that this issue be placed on the Worksession agenda.  CM Oslik also asked that the Code Enforcement Report be discussed at the Worksession.    Additionally, he asked that discussion regarding vehicles wanting to turn right at the Cheverly Avenue/202 intersection be discussed.
Mayor Mosley added that the State Highway Administration changed the lane turning rules.   In an effort to keep Worksessions from running late, she asked that no agenda items be added at the meeting.

CM Schachter reported that the auto theft rate for Ward 4 residents who use the Club is zero.  The statistic has not been confirmed, but he encouraged residents to use antitheft devices.  

Committee Reports

Recreation Council
Barbara Pejokovich reported that the next meeting is scheduled for March 22.   New members are welcome.  The Easter Egg Hunt is on March 26 at 11:00 a.m. and will begin in the gym.  The Easter Bunny visit will follow the Hunt.  The Annual Flea Market is on April 2 and tables can be reserved for $15 by calling 301/773-5883. The Garden Club plant sale is on May 7.  

Mrs. Pejokovich remarked that here Cable Channel 4 reception has been poor lately and asked if other residents have had the same difficulty.  Comcast denies that there is a problem with that channel.  Mayor Mosley asked Mr. Warrington to follow up with his contact at Comcast and added that premium channel volume goes down on the weekends.

CM Schachter added that he also experienced problems with Channel 4 and Comcast came to his home and fixed a loose connection.  If all connections inside are tight, the connection outside has become loose.  The reason Channel 4 is affected is because it is a locally broadcast station.
Mrs. Pejokovich complained that there is a stray black and white cat roaming Parkway that is killing the birds.

Mayor Mosley added that all Council seats would be up for election on May 2, 2005.  Interested residents must file for candidacy by March 18th and are required to be a registered voter in the County.

Cheverly Day Report
There was no report.

Citizen Input
There was no citizen input.

Authorization to Award Website Design Contract
Attorney Colaresi stated that the draft of this contract is subject to further negotiation. He summarized the following four changes:
1.      Instead of having an open ended hotel bill expense, the Town would pay a hotel bill expense at cost up to $1500;
2.      Should reflect that The Town has had input in the design of the web page with Mayor and Council giving final approval;
3.      Ten (10) accounts to be included were defined as email and content related (B7); and
4.      Change to out of pocket expense amounts (2D); Mayor and Council wanted a quote of additional work, which would be charged at $95 per hour.

The suggestion was to approve the contract based on it being accepted by the contractor and the Town Attorney.

CM Oslik asked that clarification be made regarding the 10 accounts. There may be additional costs.  

·       CM Oslik moved to authorize the Town Attorney to negotiate final terms of this contract with Virtual Town Hall and to proceed to enact the contract and come back to the Council if there are substantive issues they need to address.  Seconded by CM Ford.  Unanimously approved.

Discussion Amending Chev-Tux Park Master Plan
Mayor Mosley summarized that CM Watson requested lighting for the path along the edge of the ball fields at the Chev-Tux Judith Hoyer Center.  Mr. Warrington reminded that in light of the 99-year lease with the school and a master plan that was adopted when improvements were made to the park, the first step would be to amend the Master Plan.  

Mr. Warrington notified the school facilities department of the amendment and their only concern was who would pay for the electricity.

CM Ford asked if the principal has been informed.  Mr. Warrington was directed to send notification to the Principal.

Mr. Warrington responded to CM Cullen that a decision regarding the size of the lights is still outstanding

Consideration of Reclassification – Equipment Operator
Mr. Warrington summarized that trash truck/backhoe drivers are in high demand and the Town’s salary structure is not competitive.  Therefore, Mr. Torres is requesting a change in the classification of the designation of Equipment Operator from a 6A to an 11A for three (3) positions.

·       CM Ford moved that the classification of the position of Equipment Operator be changed from a 6A to an 11A under the current Town of Cheverly personnel classification system, and that this change be effective immediately.  Seconded by CM Cullen.  

Mr. Warrington responded to CM Oslik that the difference in salary between a 6A and an 11 A is $6,000.00.

VOTE: Unanimously approved.

Resolution R-02-05 Appointing Election Judges
Mayor Mosley announced the following judge appointments:

Ward 1  Ted Lemanski
Ward 2  Susan Pruden
Ward 3  Barbara Pejokovich
Ward 4  Catherine Wintermeyer
Ward 5  Stephen Garcia
Ward 6  Stacey Kelly

·       CM Cullen moved adoption of Resolution R-02-05, Appointing Election Judges.  Seconded by CM Oslik.  Unanimously approved.  

CM Ford suggested conducting a salary analysis of surrounding municipalities.  

Mayor Mosley instructed Mr. Warrington to have department heads to give salary structure assessments as part of their budget recommendations and changes.  

Adjourned 9:35 p.m.
Town of Cheverly
Summary of Action
March 10, 2005

1.      CM Schachter moved to excuse CM Watson.  Seconded by CM Cullen.  Unanimously approved.
2.      CM Oslik moved to authorize the Town Attorney to negotiate final terms of this contract with Virtual Town Hall and to proceed to enact the contract and come back to the Council if there are substantive issues they need to address.  Seconded by CM Ford.  Unanimously approved.
3.      CM Ford moved that the classification of the position of Equipment Operator be changed from a 6A to an 11A under the current Town of Cheverly personnel classification system, and that this change be effective immediately.  Seconded by CM Cullen.  VOTE: Unanimously approved.
4.      CM Cullen moved adoption of Resolution R-02-05, Appointing Election Judges.  Seconded by CM Oslik.  Unanimously approved.